Q: Is this product compatible with my car?
A: You need to make sure your car is equipped with wired CarPlay. This product is not 100% compatible with all models, there are 2% incompatible cases (Note: Polaris, Volvo 2022 Hybrid, some Mitsubishi models are not available). You can try it, and we will provide you with technical support and the best service.

Q: What features can this product bring?
A: The product can bring wireless CarPlay and wireless Android Auto function to the car equipped with wired CarPlay in the original car, which is connected to the car and frees your hands.

Q:How can I do if the box is not responding when I plug it into the car?
A:(1) Check whether the car is equipped with original wired CarPlay.(2) Confirm whether it is plugged into the right USB port. (3) Connect the box Wi-Fi into the background click restore factory settings, the phone ignore the original car Bluetooth. (4) If it is still not recognized, please contact the store customer service for uploading feedback.

Q: Why does the car screen show CarPlay when connecting to Android Auto?
A: The product is converted to wireless Android Auto by wired CarPlay, and the information read from the original CarPlay, so the car screen shows CarPlay.

Q: Can't connect to wireless Android Auto?
A: (1) Check whether the phone supports wireless Android Auto and whether the wireless Android Auto option is turned on.
(2) Clear the Google service cache and Android Auto cache, restart the phone.

Q:Hardware/Wi-Fi/BT Error appears on the screen when I plug in the product?
A: Please contact the support team to upgrade the firmware on U disk.